
Interested in supporting After Aliyah?

This project is brand new. Right now we’re neither soliciting nor accepting donations. But if you feel kindly disposed to send us some cash, drop us a line.

Here are some things we would like to do if we had a money tree growing on our mirpeset and infinite time with which to tend to these digital pastures:

  • Begin pushing out articles in French, Spanish, Russian, and other common languages spoken by olim
  • Create compelling audio and video content for all topics that matter to olim after moving to Israel
  • Create detailed community guides about various places to live in Israel
  • Profile current olim to give olim ideas about potential paths to explore in Israel. Integrate written interviews with first-person interviews in audio and video. We’d particularly like to focus on the career and financial aspects and profile olim that have truly broken through whatever glass ceilings might be holding others back
  • Greatly expand the scope of our coverage and commit to a regular content auditing process in order to ensure the timeliness of the information presented
  • Provide a platform to smaller olim communities to showcase who’s here
  • Implement a peer review process for fact-checking all published posts
  • Potentially reclaim domains related to Jerusalem news website and develop that entity

After Aliyah’s unique “publishing” proposition is that it’s intended to be a uniquely objective resource (although opinionated blogs are hosted). This site isn’t about pushing aliyah. It’s not about hiding difficulties that olim might encounter either. It’s also not just a directory or “community billboard”. While other “Anglo” websites do an excellent job at mapping out community directories (etc), After Aliyah wants to be focused on tachlis information — including opinions — about how to build a viable life in Israel.

If you’re on board with that vision and would like to sponsor the project, or aspects of it, then be in touch.